New! Financial Assistance for Sickle Cell Families Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
During these uncertain times, MTS Sickle Cell Foundation is here for you. We recognize the unique concerns of sickle cell families during the COVID-19 pandemic, and are amplifying our efforts to provide you with information and support.
MTS Sickle Cell Foundation has established the MTS Sickle Cell Foundation COVID-19 Patient Financial Aid Program to help sickle cell families experiencing financial hardship due to the pandemic. See below for eligibility requirements and instructions on how to apply.
Available Funding
MTS Sickle Cell Foundation COVID-19 Patient Financial Aid Program – provides a $25 gift card per household to help meet family’s needs. Patients do not need to have a COVID-19 diagnosis to apply.
**As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of our sponsors. Program continuation is contingent on the availability of funds. The program could be modified or discontinued at any time if funding is limited or no longer available.**
Eligibility Requirements
- Patients/Caregivers must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and reside in the U.S.
- Patients must have a confirmed sickle cell disease diagnosis, be in active treatment, scheduled to begin treatment or in follow up care, all attested by the patient or care team member.
- There is no income criteria.
- Patients may be insured or uninsured.
- Patients do not need to have a COVID-19 diagnosis.
Required Information for Application
- The patient’s Sickle Cell Disease diagnosis
- Physician’s information (first and last name, and location)
We Want to Hear How This Program Has Helped You!
We would love to hear how the financial assistance provided by MTS Sickle Cell Foundation has helped you. Patient stories help us illustrate the impact and importance of this program in the lives of families affected by Sickle Cell Disease.
Program Support
MTS Sickle Cell Foundation is a nonprofit organization that relies on the generosity of individual, foundation and corporate contributions to advance its mission. The COVID-19 Patient Financial Aid Program is supported in partnership with: